Texas Public Radio: San Antonio researchers revive 1979 Heart and Mind Study
Posted on: Wednesday, March 15th, 2023
What began as a heart disease, stroke and atherosclerosis study, the Framingham Heart Study from its 1948 launch, ultimately broadened into explorations of many topics. Dementia studies using Framingham data began in the 1970s. Meanwhile, beginning in 1979, another study, the San Antonio Heart Study, blazed the trail in enrolling Hispanic participants.
In this Petrie dish episode by Texas Public Radio, host Bonnie Petrie discusses the origins of the Framingham study and the importance of the new study underway with Claudia Satizabal, PhD, Helen Hazuda, PhD, and Sudha Seshadri, MD, the researchers from the Biggs Institute at UT Health San Antonio leading the study in San Antonio.
To hear the episode, visit TexasPublicRadio.org.