As we age, it’s normal for our brain to change, which can lead to memory loss. However, memory loss may also indicate a medical condition such as dementia.

Understand the signs of normal aging and identify when memory loss is concerning so that you can plan ahead and talk to your doctor.


Normal aging:  Momentarily forgets names.

Sing of dementia: Forgets their child’s name.

Normal aging: Struggles to find the right word but recalls it later.

Sing of dementia: Calls familiar objects by the wrong name.

Normal aging: Forgets conversations. Can recall instances of forgetfulness.

Sing of dementia: Struggles with familiar recipes. Repeatedly asks for the same information.

Normal aging: Sometimes misplaces items.

Sing of dementia: Places items in unusual locations, such as putting keys in the refrigerator.

Normal aging: Occasionally confused about the day of the week.

Sing of dementia:  Loses track of dates, seasons, and the passage of time.

Normal aging: Forgets appointments or events but remembers them later.

Sing of dementia: Forgets important dates or events.

Navigating Location

Normal aging: Forgets the reason for entering a room but remembers later.

Sing of dementia: Fails to recognize familiar places. Has difficulty driving to familiar locations.

Difficulty with Tasks

Normal aging: Sometimes needs help using the microwave or operating the TV.

Sing of dementia: Experiences challenges with reading, judging distances or distinguishing colors.

Changes in Managing Finances

Normal aging: Occasionally makes errors in their checkbook or makes poor purchasing decisions.

Sing of dementia: Struggles with managing monthly bills or demonstrates poor judgment regarding money.

Changes in Social Interactions or Activities

Normal aging: Sometimes shows disinterest in work, family, or social obligations.

Sing of dementia: Withdraws from hobbies, social events or sports.

Difficulty in Navigating Changes to Routine

Normal aging: Becomes irritable when routines are disrupted.

Sing of dementia: Exhibits extreme anxiety or anger when routines change.

Changes in Thinking

Normal aging: Thinks things through slowly.

Sing of dementia: Has trouble following or joining conversations.

How to ask someone to see a doctor about their memory loss

Experiencing memory loss can bring a range of emotions for the person experiencing memory loss and their loved ones.

Learn how to start the conversation