Memory loss concerns: When to see a doctor

It is normal for our brain to change as we age. These changes often result in memory loss. However, memory loss can also be a sign of a medical condition, like dementia.

To help identify signs of normal aging and signs that you should see a doctor, use the table below provided by the Texas Department of Health Services.

What are signs of normal aging?

  • Forgets names momentarily
  • Makes occasional errors in their checkbook
  • Forgets appointments or events, remembers later
  • Occasionally needs help with the microwave or operating the TV
  • Momentarily confused about the day of the week
  • Vision changes due to cataracts
  • Struggles finding the right word, but remembers later
  • Sometimes misplaces things
  • Sometimes makes bad purchasing decisions
  • Sometimes uninterested in work, family or other social obligations
  • Irritable when a routine is disrupted
  • Forgets conversations
  • Thinks things through slowly
  • Forgets why they went into a room, but then remembers
  • Able to recall an incidence of forgetfulness
  • Worries about memory, but no one else does

What are signs it may be dementia?

  • Forgets their child’s name
  • Has trouble with familiar recipes or monthly bills
  • Forgets important dates or events
  • Has trouble driving to familiar locations
  • Loses track of dates, seasons and passage of time
  • Has difficulty with reading, judging distance, or colors
  • Calls familiar things by the wrong name
  • Puts things in unusual places, such as keys in the fridge
  • Shows exceptionally poor judgment with money
  • Withdraws from hobbies, social events or sports
  • Shows extreme anxiety or anger with change of routine
  • Asks for the same information over and over
  • Has trouble following or joining a conversation
  • Doesn’t recognize familiar places
  • Doesn’t remember incidence of memory loss
  • Relatives worry about memory loss

How to ask someone to see a doctor about their memory loss

Experiencing memory loss can bring a range of emotions for the person experiencing memory loss and their loved ones.

Learn how to start the conversation

Experiencing memory loss?

Call to schedule a memory screening appointment.