Advance Research That Could Help Save Lives During Your Routine Physical Exams
We are expanding our understanding of dementia and other age-related diseases by learning how biological and environmental factors influence our health.
Everyone can contribute to this research by providing samples, like blood and saliva, when samples are already scheduled to be collected as part of your routine medical care. This means no extra appointments are needed for you to be a part of life-saving research.
Your donation will help us save valuable time and resources by providing scientists with a library of information to complete research studies.
Easy and Convenient Participation
As a volunteer, you will only provide these samples at the same time you are providing samples for a medical evaluation.
If there are any samples you do not feel comfortable providing, simply inform us of your wishes, and that sample will not be used.
Scientists will only be able to identify samples with a barcode number. Your name, address, phone number and any other identifying information will not be used.
Enrollment and Participation
Step 1.
Notify our clinical team of your wish to donate and complete our consent form.
Step 2.
After signing up, you may be asked to provide a blood and/or saliva sample.
Step 3.
Samples will then only be collected when they are also being collected for another purpose during a clinical or research study appointment.
After a donation, you may be contacted by a member of our clinical team to provide information on your demographic and medical history.

Advance Dementia Research with Organ Donation
When a person chooses brain donation, they are choosing to help find better ways to diagnose and treat the millions of people living with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Studying brain tissue can lead to some of the most exciting advances and discoveries, which is why we need your help.