The South Texas Alzheimer’s Conference

Dedicated to transforming dementia care for patients and their families, the Biggs Institute in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association, presents the South Texas Alzheimer’s Conference.

The conference features events for the general public and health care professionals to be a part of the conversation and the discoveries surrounding dementia research.

South Texas Alzheimer’s Conference Public Event

March 8, 2023 | 5:30pm at the UT Health San Antonio Holly Auditorium

Hear the latest groundbreaking research taking place around the world directly from the experts leading the discoveries. This free public event is for anyone wanting to learn about new therapies and exciting advancements in Alzheimer’s.

The 2023 event was recorded and is now available on Dialogue on Dementia webpage along with more presentations on the latest advances in dementia research.

South Texas Alzheimer’s Conference for Health Care Professionals and Students

March 8, 2023 | 8:30am-4:00pm at the UT Health San Antonio Academic Learning and Teaching Center

Scientists, clinical researchers, early career investigators and clinicians are invited to register for a research-based conference focused on collaboration and discussion on transformational care, research and therapeutics in Alzheimer’s disease.

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Accelerating Sponsor

Alzheimer Association Logo
